The best writer you’ve never heard of

There’s this guy.  He writes in a way that can chill you to the bone, make you laugh ’till you cry, and always leaves you wanting more.  The problem is this guy doesn’t know his own worth.  Big dummy.  He creates these characters that you fall in love with, (Dillon anyone?), and paints images in your mind using his words like a giant paintbrush.  He’s done for the water what Jaws did for going to the beach 20+ years ago.  Know the best part?  He just gets better and better. His talent is enormous and with every new story you get the honor and privilege of watching him grow as a writer. I keep thinking it isn’t possible for him to knock my socks off, but with every new piece he again blows me away.

Want to know who he is? Of course you do!  He’s the DarcKnyt. He’s awesome and if you read his work you’ll fall in love too. You don’t know what you’re missing. I plan to fix that! He’s written many wonderful things but I’m going to share some of my favorites with you.

The first is Ghost Hunters. Hands down! This is where I met this kickass writer and his creations. I had no idea what a treat I was in for when I started reading this book. I felt every emotion he portrayed so much and was left salivating for the next installment every week.

Now if you want to be scared and disturbed you need to read Getting Away from it All. Thanks to this story alone I won’t be getting on a boat any time soon.

Now if you’re looking for a hot and steamy mystery you have got to check out Remember Me.  Here Mr. DarcKnyt shows that you can write emotional and HOT love/sex scenes without being vulgar.

Another story that enjoyed beyond words is The Lake. I laughed my butt off at this one. SO WELL DONE!

You want a little vampire in your brain? Then read this short fantastic story My Childhood Friend.

Also, if you want an eye opening and moving experience then please read Not a Typical Morning. This IS NOT just a story. It really happened to my dear friend and it’s shows a stark and gritty portrayal of how low we as people can be. It shook me to the core and was at the forefront of my thoughts for weeks after he wrote it.

I believe in this man’s abilities 100% and I’m honored that he lets me into his world. In the world we live in today where your blog/chat/log-in name means so much I’ve tried to show him how much I appreciate what he does. He’s the reason I’m the KnytStalker.

He’s an amazing writer and an even better friend. Not to mention his wife is one of my most favorite people in the whole universe. I could go on for hours about her too! She’s funny and sweet and tough as nails. That will have to wait for another day because this today is all about The D man. Don’t want to wait??? I sure as hell don’t blame you. Here’s her blog:

So in short if you don’t read what this man writes then there will be a void that you won’t be able to fill. Entertainment that is fun and intellectual seems to be lacking in today’s society. If you’re missing it then you’ve found the right place. Read his work, be blown away, and then be sure to tell him how awesome he is.